Aleksandr Lukashenko sends Revolution Day greetings to Cuba

    Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to President of the Council of State of Cuba Raul Castro Ruz as the country celebrates the 58th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Cuba.

    “Today Cuba can be proud of the fact that it has become a truly independent country playing a leading role in Latin America and holding a central place in the international arena,” the message of greetings reads.

    The head of state expressed hope that the heroic nation of Cuba will preserve and multiply the achievements of the great son of Cuba, the leader of the Cuban Revolution, and a good friend of Belarus – Fidel Castro.

    “Our states are united by the complicated historical path and the resolution to protect the indisputable right to be independent in determining our future. I am convinced that the further strengthening of strategic partnership between Belarus and Cuba in all avenues fully meets the interests of our countries and will help find new efficient responses to modern challenges,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.