Aleksandr Lukashenko sends letter of appreciation to Pope Benedict XVI

    President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent a letter of appreciation to Pope Benedict XVI.

    “It is with understanding and regret that people in Belarus have learned the news about your resignation from the office of the successor of Saint Peter. Over the years of your service the Pontiff’s mission became even more significant. You have done your utmost to preserve moral values of Christianity which are essential for resolving problems of the modern world. You have done your best to build bridges of mutual understanding, respect and love between various countries, peoples and confessions,” the letter reads.

    “With great pleasure I recollect the meeting with You in the Vatican. Thanks to your openness and care for our country, assistance in the development of relations between the Holy See and Belarus you have won respect and gratitude of the Belarusian people,” the head of state remarked.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko sincerely thanked Benedict XVI and wished him strong health, optimism and God’s help for many years to come.