Aleksandr Lukashenko sends greetings to Venezuelan president-elect Nicolas Maduro

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to Nicolas Maduro Moros who was elected President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

    “Today Belarus is sincerely happy for you and for Venezuela. We all rooted with all our hearts for the successor of Comandante Hugo Chavez, the great politician of the 20th – 21st centuries. The choice made by the Venezuelan people testifies to the trust and appreciation of your outstanding achievements in the protection of the state interests of Venezuela,” the Belarus President noted.

    “The victory at the election is the highest praise given by the people of Venezuela for your ability to lead the country on the path of peace, democracy and progress, to address complicated issues in politics, economy and defense. People in Belarus appreciate the diversified Belarus-Venezuela cooperation based on the solid traditions of friendship and mutual benefit. Thanks to the big personal contribution of President Hugo Chavez the relations between the two countries have become increasingly vibrant,” the message of greetings reads.

    According to the Belarusian head of state, the existing level of trust allows the countries to successfully cooperate in the spirit of understanding and respect of mutual interests. The President expressed confidence that the desire to enhance the political dialogue, boost economic cooperation and humanitarian ties, expand cooperation in the international arena are the crucial factors of further progress in the Belarusian-Venezuelan strategic partnership in the best interests of the two nations.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko invited Nicolas Maduro to pay an official visit to Belarus at any time convenient for him. “I think that the visit will give an impetus to the development and enhancement of the Belarusian-Venezuelan cooperation in many areas,” the President said.

    The Belarusian head of state also wished Nicolas Maduro unflagging energy and every success in his responsible state post as President for the benefit of the Venezuelan people.