Aleksandr Lukashenko sends greetings to participants of Listapad Film Festival

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to the participants and guests of the 21st Minsk International Film Festival Listapad.

    “Listapad begins the third decade of its existence as a respectable forum which noble mission to preserve moral and esthetic ideals of film making, to support innovative ideas of modern directors is universally acclaimed,” the message of greetings reads.

    This year’s festival has brought together famous masters and talented newcomers in Minsk. Their works demonstrate a wide panorama of contemporary creative achievements.

    “I am convinced that Listapad will help promote cinema art focused on the spiritual uplift of a person and enhance friendship and cultural cooperation between our nations,” the President remarked.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko wished inspiration, success, unforgettable films and interesting discussions to the participants and guests of the festival.