Aleksandr Lukashenko sends greetings to new Secretary of State of Vatican Pietro Parolin

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent his best greetings to Archbishop Pietro Parolin who was appointed Secretary of State of Vatican.

    “I am glad that the relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Holy See are based on sincere understanding and trust. Vatican is a reliable partner for us as far as bilateral cooperation is concerned and in relations with other states and international organizations,” the head of state remarked.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed confidence that the activities of Pietro Parolin on the post of the Secretary of State will help strengthen good ties between Vatican and Belarus.

    The Belarusian President extended greetings to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone who was relieved of the post of the Secretary of State.

    “Many-years productive work has made you a respectable figure not only among Catholic believers but also in the entire world,” the head of state emphasized.

    The President noted that good attitude, open position and attention of Tarcisio Bertone to Belarus and its people made a huge contribution to the enhancement of sincere friendship and trust between the Republic of Belarus and the Holy See.

    “With great pleasure I recall our meetings in Vatican and Belarus. You have become a good friend of our country and will always be a welcome visitor in Belarus,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.