Aleksandr Lukashenko sends greetings to Belarusian workers of culture

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to workers of culture of Belarus who celebrate their professional holiday.

    “Each of you devoted your life to the noble goal to create, preserve and promote esthetic and intellectual values. You make a big contribution to enriching national culture which is one of the most significant factors of strengthening national consciousness and unity of people,” the message of greetings reads.

    According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, this is why the country gives much attention to the preservation of historical and art legacy, creation of favorable conditions for the vigorous development of modern Belarusian culture.

    “We respect and honor the achievements of our creative intellectuals and will always support those who selflessly serve the Homeland, use their talent and professionalism to enrich the national spiritual heritage and fame Belarus in the world,” the head of state remarked. “Your example should be a guideline for the youth, and your achievements - a reliable foundation for future accomplishments,” he added.