Aleksandr Lukashenko sends birthday greetings to Vladimir Stelmashonok

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent a letter of birthday greetings to People’s Artist of Belarus Vladimir Stelmashonok.

    “You have made history of the Belarusian culture as a renowned master of painting and monumental art who glorified unforgettable pages of the past of the Homeland and bright achievements of your contemporaries. Thanks to your talent, you have created wonderful works which adorn museum collections and interiors of municipal buildings in Belarus and abroad,” the felicitation message reads.

    The head of state wished Vladimir Stelmashonok health, long life, unflagging energy, good spirits and optimism. “May your creative path filled with love for the Homeland and selfless service to your beloved vocation remain a good example for the gifted youth,” the President stressed.