Aleksandr Lukashenko sends birthday greetings to People’s Artist of Belarus Mikhail Kozinets

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent a letter of birthday greetings to People’s Artist of Belarus Mikhail Kozinets, chief conductor of the Zhinovich National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Belarusian State Philharmonics.

    “You have dedicated your whole life to the selfless creative service and have made a big contribution to the development of the Belarusian music, preservation and enrichment of folk music traditions. Under your leadership the Zhinovich National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus turned into one of the most famous bands in Belarus, became appreciated and respected worldwide,” the message of greetings reads.

    “I am convinced that your creative fantasy, talent and conductor’s skills will continue bringing joy to numerous fans and help create interesting concert programs which will make our folk music famous in the world,” the head of state said.