Aleksandr Lukashenko sends anniversary greetings to Minsk Oblast

    Dear residents of Minsk Oblast,

    I cordially congratulate you on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Minsk Oblast which has a leading position in the economic, social and cultural life of the country.

    Minsk Oblast accounts for a major part of housing built in the country. It is the leader in terms of production of grain, milk, meat, other goods which are in demand both in Belarus and abroad. BelAZ dump trucks and Belaruskali products made in Minsk Oblast are popular in the global market.

    Vigorous development of the real production sector has a positive influence on the wellbeing of people. In the recent years towns and villages of Minsk Oblast have been modernized; healthcare, education, cultural, trade, public catering and sports facilities have been upgraded.

    All this was made possible thanks to the selfless work of people of various professions, their faithful attitude to work and the ability to achieve their goals.

    Thank you, dear fellow citizens, for the contribution to building strong and prosperous Belarus. I sincerely wish you happiness and health, self-confidence and every success.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko