Aleksandr Lukashenko receives credentials from foreign ambassadors

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Belarus conducts an independent, consistent and peaceful foreign policy and tries to avoid confrontations with other countries, President of the republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he received credentials from foreign ambassadors on 16 December.

Aleksandr Lukashenko received credentials from the ambassadors of Zambia, Spain, Cuba, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, Oman, Slovenia, Uganda, France to Belarus.

The President said that the event was for the first time held in the Palace of Independence which is a symbol of the sovereign Belarusian state.

“Thanks to its honest, open stance Belarus has become globally respected; and there are many like-minded people in the world,” the head of state remarked.

“We are conducting an independent, consistent and peaceful foreign policy. We actively promote cooperation with foreign partners and make a considerable contribution to the global and regional security and stability,” the Belarusian head of state said. He stressed that Belarus has unique and valuable cooperation experience with all its foreign partners, including the countries represented by the diplomats. “We would like to bolster our cooperation and are ready to consider any kind of joint projects and initiatives that would benefit the both states,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. He expressed hope that the ambassadors will work hard to promote cooperation with Belarus.

“Our country relies on its own rich historical background and respects the traditions of other countries. Such an approach serves as a solid foundation for promoting friendly ties with many countries across the globe,” the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Belarus does not have any problems with any of the countries whose ambassadors handed over their credentials on 16 December.

The Belarusian head of state emphasized Belarus’ huge interest in stabilizing the relations with the EU. “We cannot do without each other. We have to live side by side, like neighbors. Belarus has done its best to achieve the rapprochement. We are ready for any steps to normalize our relations,” the Belarusian President said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that European businessmen are also interested in expanding contacts with Belarus. “I do not want to say that you have the ball on your court now. It is a media cliche. But you really have it on your court,” the President added.

“We are sincerely interested in promoting good-neighborly relations with the European Union for geographical, historical and cultural reasons. Besides, we also need to respond to regional challenges and threats together,” the Belarusian leader said. He emphasized that fruitful work is possible solely on the basis of equality and mutual respect. “We have too many external threats. Let us think together how we can stand up to them, instead of looking askance at each other. It is neither in your interests nor ours,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President expressed confidence that a pragmatic approach and determination will allow the two states to succeed in many fields.

Aleksandr Lukashenko added that this is equally true for the cooperation with the European Union in general as well as bilateral cooperation with France, the Netherlands, Spain and Slovenia.

According to the head of state, Belarus has reached new highs in cooperation with Asian, African and Middle Eastern countries and is ready to expand its diplomatic presence in these regions.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus seeks to enhance ties with the nations of the African continent. “For every business person there is a scope of opportunities there. I am sure that the development of our planet is impossible without the involvement of the African continent. It is there where the main resources and reserves are located. It is very unfair that today Africa is at such a level of development, which is lower than Europe, and today this injustice is starting to be addressed,” the Belarusian head of state said. He stressed that Belarus cannot be excluded from this process and soon it will open a number of embassies in different regions of the African continent to promote its interests, not to the detriment of theirs. "The main principle of our policy is honesty and fairness. You can be sure that Belarusians are the most reliable people interested in the highest level of development of your continent,” the Belarusian leader said.

Addressing ambassadors of Zambia and Uganda, Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that he considers cooperation with those states as very promising. He drew attention to the fact that the overall capacity is far from being fully utilized. According to the Belarusian head of state, trade and education can be priority areas at the first stage of cooperation development.

Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasize that Belarus would like to strengthen relations with Mongolia and Myanmar. "Our countries have no political differences and disputes, and this creates good prerequisites for the development of trade and economic cooperation. So far the level of trade, investment and cooperation in other areas has not been high and this is the fault of the Belarusian side,” the President said. Aleksandr Lukashenko cited investment, mining, the establishment of joint ventures and industrial cooperation as promising areas for intensified cooperation.

When receiving the credentials from the Ambassador of Oman, Aleksandr Lukashenko drew attention to the high level of trust in relations between the two countries. He stressed that he sees strong prospects in developing contacts with Oman. “Further deepening of the bilateral cooperation meets the interests of both countries. It is in our power to bring relations to a qualitatively new level which would cover all major areas, including an active political dialogue and enhanced trade and economic cooperation,” said the Belarusian leader. He also noted that there are a number of projects that Belarus intends to implement in Oman and in other states with the help of Oman.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus is interested in promoting the political dialogue and building up economic cooperation with Latin America countries.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said he was satisfied that Belarus has a time-tried partner in the region — Cuba. “We appreciate the traditionally high level of Belarusian-Cuban mutual understanding and solidarity. Belarus is ready to continue the trustful political dialogue, bolster trade and economic cooperation with this friendly nation,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

The President assured that the Belarusian side will do its utmost for the Cubans. “You are our long-standing friends and very close people for us,” he remarked.

The Belarusian head of state believes that enthusiasm, energy and creativity of the diplomats working in Belarus will make a great impact on the state and prospects of the bilateral cooperation in the short-term perspective.

“We believe that you will do your best to boost our cooperation, open up new horizons, bring our cultures closer and mutually enrich them. I urge you to put your best efforts into intensifying business and interpersonal contacts, help our countries to get to know each other and understand each other better,” the President said.