Aleksandr Lukashenko presents state awards

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Everyday meticulous work of people makes the country richer, safer, and stronger. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement at the state award ceremony on 2 May.

The head of state underlined that the festive event was timed to two state holidays — the Labor Day and the Victory Day, which is held in high esteem in Belarus.

The awardees included executives of top-performing agribusiness enterprises — OAO Agro-Motol and OAO Grodno Meat Packaging Plant. “From the depth of my heart I thank agricultural workers represented by you for loyalty to the native land and the difficult peasant labor that has been honored by our ancestors since times immemorial,” remarked Aleksandr Lukashenko.

Praising accomplishments of the Belarusian Association of International Road Carriers BAMAP, the head of state underlined that Belarus is intent on taking a proper place on the international market of transport services.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that the formation of the common transport services market in the nascent Eurasian Economic Union was discussed at the latest summit in Minsk. “The matter was very seriously discussed by the three presidents during the meeting in Minsk. The situation is absolutely controversial: neither Russia nor Kazakhstan are willing to accept equitable relations in the union in this field. I asked them why. Because Belarusian road carriers are way better than Russian and Kazakh ones and they cannot compete with us. I was surprised at the ability of small Belarus to ‘choke’ great Russia”. Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that Belarusian road carriers are indeed in the class of their own in the ex-USSR and Europe on the whole.

The Belarus President assured that the best conditions will be enabled for the operation of Belarusian road carriers. Logistics and the improvement of the passenger and cargo transportation system are high on the list of priorities in Belarus, this is why every successful step in this direction is so important, said the head of state.

In his words, on the eve of the Victory Day the matter of patriotism is particularly important. The Belarusian land will always remember those, who went through the hardships of the war to defend the independence and the freedom of the motherland. The President underlined that Belarusians respect veterans of all wars. In his opinion, the experience of soldiers, who know the true price of peace and accord, is immensely valuable for the younger generation.

The awardees also included representatives of oblast branches of the Belarusian Union of Afghanistan War Veterans and the Association of Afghanistan War Disabled. “For many years you have been providing effective aid to war veterans, taking good care of the families of the soldiers, who died in the line of duty in Afghanistan. You make a noticeable contribution to the preparation of young Belarusians for the active military service,” stressed Aleksandr Lukashenko.

A large number of military servicemen were awarded for their impeccable service and professionalism. The President thanked them for the fidelity to duty and the preservation of the good traditions inherited from the generation of winners.

Belarusian medics were also awarded. “I am glad to see that apart from assimilating cutting-edge foreign practices you come up with your own inventions and methods to prevent and treat diseases,” stressed the President.

Awarding pedagogues and culture workers, the head of state said that great hopes are put on them. “It is in your power to augment the good part of every human being, create an atmosphere of mutual respect and accord in the society. In our difficult time the entire world could do with more kindness, spirituality, and understanding,” believes the Belarusian leader.

In his opinion, the women, who were awarded Orders of Mother, brought special warmness and kindness to the meeting. Every one of them successfully combines careers and children upbringing.

In conclusion Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined: “Since times immemorial we believe that honest labor in one’s native land can make a person truly happy. Every one of you has confirmed with your deeds that the ancient belief is true and topical nowadays. Thank you for helping to save and multiply the key values of every one of us — health, safety, peace, and wellbeing”.