Aleksandr Lukashenko hears out report from Interior Minister Igor Shunevich

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Interior Minister Igor Shunevich on 10 June to receive his report.

    Top on the agenda of the meeting was reformation and optimization of the Interior Ministry. The head of state instructed law enforcement agencies, the Presidential Administration and the State Control Committee to look into the situation in a number of industries, like manufacturing, agriculture, municipal services and construction.

    “We need to expose a plethora of issues there. Let us start with the construction industry, because we have recently discussed some of the related issues. The existing level of construction is absolutely unacceptable. Sheer mismanagement and lack of discipline, and corruption. I have reiterated it on numerous occasions. Therefore we need to lay bare these issues, bring the construction industry back to senses, especially construction officials, and take adequate measures. Somewhere in September we will hold a substantial discussion on the matter,” the Belarusian President said.

    The situation with municipal services, agriculture and other industries should be carefully examined, too. “We will not be able to handle it without the police. Therefore, I would like the Interior Ministry to be involved in the work of the interagency commission that will be established and to study and adopt the necessary measures. The situation should be thoroughly analyzed,” the President said.

    Igor Shunevich updated the head of state about reformation of the law enforcement system, the current situation in the ministry, and the crime detection rate. Igor Shunevich informed that the efforts of the ministry are bearing fruit and the situation is changing for the better. “The number of reported crimes shrank by almost 19%. This objectively means that there are fewer occasions when Belarusians have to approach law enforcement,” the Interior Minister said.