Aleksandr Lukashenko extends Teacher’s Day greetings

    Greetings to pedagogues of the Republic of Belarus

    Dear friends,

    I extend greetings to those whose lives are dedicated to serving a noble goal of enlightening and educating the younger generation.

    The pedagogue’s profession has always been one of the most respected jobs in Belarus. We appreciate your role in ensuring high quality of Belarusian education, huge contribution to the social and economic progress of the country, preservation of spiritual and morals ideals of the society.

    Teachers and lecturers fulfill an important mission not only to give profound and solid knowledge to our children but also to bring them up in the spirit of civic consciousness and patriotism, teach them to respect the interests of the country, develop creative thinking and make independent solutions. You can cope with this task. Belarusian teachers are the backbone of the state which does it best to enhance social security of pedagogues and make their labor more prestigious.

    Every one of us remembers his or her first teacher whose support and wise advice helped choose the right path in life. We thank you, our dear teachers, for selfless work, warmth and love you give to your students.

    I am convinced that you will continue promoting good traditions of your profession, will breed knowledge and kindness in young souls with genuine enthusiasm and faith.

    I wish you strong health, unflagging creative energy, every success in work, smart and curious students, happiness, wellbeing and good mood.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko