Amendments to Belarus’ mass media law signed into law

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the law to amend the Mass Media  law of the Republic of Belarus.

    The document is aimed at improving the mechanisms to protect the national interests in the media space and expanding tools to respond to unfriendly actions against Belarus.

    The law provides for the possibility of imposing a ban on the activities of foreign media on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the event of unfriendly actions by foreign governments against the Belarusian media.

    The document provides for determining the characteristics of the functioning of news aggregators and the legal status of their owners.

    The document expands the list of grounds for revoking state registration from media organizations and restricting access to an internet resource, online publication, or news aggregator.

    The law establishes the requirements for the activities of owners of internet resources distributing the products of television and (or) radio broadcasting media.