5th Belarusian People’s Congress. Day 2

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The program on Belarus’ social and economic development in 2016-2020 will become the foundation for making decisions in the future, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in his concluding speech of the 5thBelarusian People’s Congress on 23 June.

The head of state stressed that the program has determined prospects, has sketched out the ways we will use to reach targeted goals. But these are the ways we can see today or have comprehended in theory,” underlined the President. “Since life is very diverse, we are likely to run into an abundance of other issues. We will have to make multiple decisions outside the scope of the program while certainly bearing the program’s provisions in mind.

The head of state pointed out that the congress has been convened in the crucial period, in the run-up to the parliamentary elections, which will have a significant impact on the future of the country. “Once again I want to state firmly: no one except the Belarusian people can choose how we live, develop, what laws we have, and what MPs and other authorities we elect. Only the Belarusian nation has the right to make such decisions,” the head of state reminded.

The second day of the forum began with the speeches of the delegates and guests. They touched upon a wide range of social and economic development issues. When commenting on a number of speeches the President pointed out a major role of the National Academy of Sciences in the introduction of innovations in the production process, spoke about the development of rural areas, voiced his opinion regarding the optimization of the state apparatus, and made an emphasis on the enhancement of executive discipline. Besides, the head of state demanded to make maximum efforts to replace imports.

Speaking about the results of the 5th Belarusian People’s Congress, the President said that the forum has obviously demonstrated that grassroots democracy is the most important instrument for making fateful decisions in Belarus.

Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked all organizers of the Belarusian People’s Congress, and delegates for support, understanding, active participation in the preparation and passing of crucial documents. A long-term strategy of the country’s development was approved; key priorities of innovative development and economic modernization were outlined. The delegates unanimously approved the resolution of the 5thBelarusian People’s Congress and the address to compatriots.

At the end of his speech Aleksandr Lukashenko wished all participants health, happiness, wellbeing, and prosperity.