Food Industry

Taking care of the country’s food security and promoting export of high-quality products under the trademark Made in Belarus… These two most important tasks outlined by the head of state virtually in the first days of his presidency and closely overseen by him have given a powerful boost to the development of the country’s food industry.

At present the Republic of Belarus is one of the world’s leading producers of food. In 2023 Belarus’ export of agricultural products and food totaled $7.4 billion, with the share of these products in the country’s total export at 18.7%.

The food industry fully satisfies the domestic demand. Dairy and meat industries offer the widest range of products  – around 1,000 meat products, and over 1,500 dairy products. The range of products is constantly updated and expanded in view of the market trends, consumer needs and economic situation.

The state food industry concern Belgospishcheprom and the Agriculture and Food Ministry are the flagship companies of the Belarusian food industry.

They incorporate Belarus’ largest manufacturers of meat and dairy, confectionery, sugar, preserves, alcoholic drinks, oil and fat, and other products.

Belarusian products are distinguished by a wide range and the highest quality. It is these benchmarks that open new opportunities for domestic manufacturers in a growing competitive environment.

Belarusian companies have won numerous awards at various national and international exhibitions.