Ministry of Taxes and Duties
General information
The Ministry of Taxes and Duties is a central government agency in charge of pursuing a state policy, regulating, and managing taxation, and, within limits of its authority, exercising government control to ensure the observance of laws and regulations on the production and turnover of alcohol products, alcohol-containing non-foods, inedible ethyl alcohol and tobacco products, and the turnover of tobacco goods. The Tax and Duties Ministry also pursues a state policy in the sphere of gambling business.
Main task
- to exercise oversight over the observance of tax legislation, including oversight over the correct, timely, and full payment of taxes, fees (duties), other mandatory payments to the state budget, including to special state budget funds, in line with laws and regulations on entrepreneurship, on gambling business licensing, and on the declaration of revenues and property by natural persons;
- to exercise oversight over the observance of laws and regulations on the production and turnover of alcohol products, alcohol-containing non-foods, inedible ethyl alcohol and tobacco products, and the turnover of tobacco goods;
- to exercise oversight over the gambling business industry and the observance of legislation in the sphere of gambling business;
- to keep records of due and paid taxes, other obligatory payments to the state budget;
- to work out proposals on regulating and managing taxation.

9 Sovetskaya Street, Minsk, 220010