Ministry of Forestry

General information

The Ministry of Forestry is a central government agency that ensures the protection, regeneration, and rational usage of the state forest reserves and that regulates this sphere.

Main tasks

  • to discharge regulatory functions in the sphere of forestry;
  • to pursue a unified state policy in the sphere of usage, protection of the state forest reserves and forest regeneration, to coordinate efforts of other central government agencies, municipal authorities, and legal persons of all types of ownership in the sphere of forestry;
  • to enhance forest productivity, ensure the creation and growing of forest vegetation by leveraging R&D accomplishments in order to satisfy the demand of the economy and the population for all kinds of forest products as completely as possible;
  • to perform government oversight over the state, usage, protection of the state forest reserves and forest regeneration;
  • to implement measures and take actions to protect forests;
  • to pursue a unified economic policy in the sphere of forestry in order to ensure the necessary conditions for the effective work of the legal persons that are accountable to the Forestry Ministry.


39 Myasnikova Street, Minsk, 220030

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