Opening ceremony of 2nd CIS Games

  • 8
  • 7:50

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko took part in the opening ceremony of the 2nd CIS Games in Minsk on 5 August.

“I welcome all of you today at Minsk Arena. I welcome all those who are watching the opening ceremony online. Belarus is hosting the CIS Games. Once again millions of fans around the world have their eyes on us. Just like they did four years ago when we hosted the 2nd European Games,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that the flame of the European Games lit in Minsk has not gone out: “It burns with faith in the Olympic ideals, true justice and sports brotherhood. It unites true friends, loyal and reliable - people with iron character. It has brought us together. A wonderful atmosphere is reigning here. You create it with your emotions, openness, and friendliness. Thank you very much.”

The head of state expressed gratitude to the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, all countries that have sent their delegations to the Games: "You have shown your trust in Belarus, and we will deliver top-quality Games. They have a great future."

"This future is in our hands. No matter how much the world establishment, embittered and powerless, has tried to take it away. I am convinced that they also see us today," Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

“I am sure that our guests will feel warm, cozy and, most importantly, calm here, mentally calm on the Belarusian land. We have done and will do everything for this. We will do our best for the CIS Games to become a true symbol of friendship, peace and development. The slogan of our Games is Strong in Spirit, Strong in Competition! It is not just about sport. It is about every one of us. The time has come for courageous and resolute people, able to stand up for the honor of the country, for the victories of their fathers and the future of their children. This is our time,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished all athletes participating in the Games good luck and great personal achievements: “I want to ask you, athletes, not to worry! It is impossible to take us, Russians, Belarusians, and others, out of the international Olympic and sports movement. You will always be in demand. You will always be in business.”

The president wished wisdom and patience to coaches, and a great show, unforgettable impressions and plenty of positive emotions to fans.