Meeting with senior members of Council of Ministers

  • 14
  • 29:18

At the meeting with senior members of the Council of Ministers on 22 June Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko took stock of the country’s economic performance in January-May of this year.

There are plans to discuss a wide range of issues: the first economic outcomes of this year, ways to stimulate investments, preparations for harvesting and the situation in animal husbandry and manufacturing, as well as the implementation of the instructions of the head of state in the social sphere.

The President explained that he regularly meets with the government to discuss burning issues, primarily in the economy. “Today we will examine economic matters with members of the government in a slightly expanded format,” the President specified.

In addition to the planned talking points - the investment bill and the decree on rental housing for healthcare workers - the head of state will hear out the prime minister’s report on key economic outcomes in the five months of this year, as well as reports by all deputy prime ministers on the implementation of the instructions of the head of state.

“According to statistics, the gross domestic product amounted to 100.9%. Investments in fixed assets are returning back on the growth track, they rose by 2.5% over last year. However, so far this is not enough to fulfill the targets set even for half a year,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President asked the prime minister whether all performance indicators showed growth dynamics, whether the government managed to fully overcome last year’s challenges related to logistics and transaction costs, the search for new partners and markets. He also asked how the targets are being met.

“I am waiting for a substantive analysis from the first deputy prime minister where the government sees reserves to boost investments by the end of the year, and this is already 120%, as well as the analysis of the progress to implement the ‘one district - one project’ concept,” the head of state added.