Belarusian President makes new appointments

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Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko made new appointments on 13 June.

The head of state appointed:

Marat Markov - Information Minister; Natalya Pavlyuchenko - Labor and Social Security Minister;

Sergey Molunov - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Kyrgyz Republic;

Aleksandr Kokhan - Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus - Inspector for Minsk Oblast;

Igor Buzovsky - Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus. 

The President also agreed to the appointment:

Igor Lutsky - Chairman of the Board of the Second National TV Channel;

Andrei Strigelsky – Minsk Vice Mayor (social welfare and ideology);

Roman Zhuk – Chairman of the Baranovichi District Executive Committee;

Aleksandr Korzh – Chairman of the Malorita District Executive Committee;

Aleksei Garbul – Chairman of the Rossony District Executive Committee;

Vladimir Shibeko – Head of the Administration of the Zavodskoi District of Minsk;

Valery Voronitsky – Head of the Administration of the Tsentralny District of Minsk;

Nikolai Polyakov – Head of the Administration of the Partizansky District of Minsk;

Andrei Kuznetsov – Deputy Industry Minister;

Aleksei Zhaldybin – Consul General of Belarus in Dubai, United Arab Emirates;

Nikolai Rogozhnik – Consul General of Belarus in St. Petersburg, Russia.