Commentary to Decree No. 192 of 15 April 2013
On 15 April President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 192 “Concerning the allocation and use of the radio frequency spectrum and on introducing additions and amendments to Decree No. 473 of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 31 July 2006”.
The document aims to improve legislation in the use of the radio frequency spectrum.
The decree approves the provision on the use of the radio frequency spectrum which determines principles and the unified order for various users, the rights and obligations of judicial and physical bodies. The provision introduces the term ‘radio frequency services’ and regulates their interaction to ensure smooth operation of radio and electronic devises.
The document aims to improve legislation in the use of the radio frequency spectrum.
The decree approves the provision on the use of the radio frequency spectrum which determines principles and the unified order for various users, the rights and obligations of judicial and physical bodies. The provision introduces the term ‘radio frequency services’ and regulates their interaction to ensure smooth operation of radio and electronic devises.