Aleksandr Lukashenko sends birthday greetings to Mikhail Bersan 

    President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent a letter of birthday greetings to People’s Artist of Belarus Mikhail Bersan.

    “For more than 30 years you have selflessly served in the Armed Forces. You worked as an art director and chief conductor of the orchestra of the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Belarus. You have made a big contribution to the development of Belarusian music culture and patriotic education of the youth,” the felicitation message reads.

    “Being a pedagogue at the Belarusian State Music Academy and a head of the brass band Fanfares of Belarus, you share professional experience with your students, enrich glorious traditions of the national school of instrumental music,” the head of state remarked.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed confidence that Mikhail Bersan will continue productively working for the benefit of the Homeland and wished him health, unflagging inspiration, happiness and wellbeing.