Regulatory Management of Healthcare

Belarusian laws and regulations guarantee the following to patients in the Republic of Belarus:

  • free medical care in state healthcare institutions;
  • affordable medications;
  • voluntary consent to medical interventions;
  • the ability to choose attending physicians and healthcare institutions;
  • participation in the choice of treatment methods;
  • explanations in understandable terms of the state of the patient’s health, treatment methods in use, about the qualification of the attending physicians and other medical workers that take care of the patient;
  • the choice of the persons allowed to learn about the patient’s health;
  • the ability to turn down medical aid, including medical interventions, except for a number of specific cases;
  • the stay in a healthcare institution in conditions that meet sanitary, hygienic, and anti-epidemic requirements and allow one to realize the right to safety and protection of personal dignity;
  • respectful and humane treatment on the part of medical workers.

The legal framework of the healthcare system requires constant updates in modern conditions when new organizational technologies are introduced as well as technologies for preventing, diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating, when new medications and medical devices are employed.