How to Become President
To become the Head of State, you should learn a lot, have an open mind, love your country, and do your best to turn it into a better place. In simple terms, you should be a citizen and a patriot of our country.
The President has many powers. He is the Head of State, the guarantor of the Constitution and the rights and freedoms of every person and citizen. This is huge responsibility and hard everyday work.
The President is elected for a term of office of five years on the basis of direct suffrage by all citizens eligible to vote.
The President ensures continuity and interaction of all public administration bodies.
"A person, who is born a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, who is at least 40 years of age, and who has lived in Belarus for at least 20 years right before the election not having and never having had the citizenship of a foreign state or a residence permit or any other document of a foreign state giving the right to bonuses and other benefits, can run for the presidency."
Article 80 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
In addition to powers, the President has a number of rights and responsibilities.
The President of the Republic of Belarus:
- forms the government;
- represents Belarus in relations with other states;
- is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus;
- takes measures to protect the country’s sovereignty and national security;
- appoints high-ranking officials;
- passes decrees and executive orders, signs laws;
- delivers addresses to the people of the Republic of Belarus on the state of affairs in the country and about the priorities of the domestic and foreign policies;
- presents state awards.