Solemn meeting to mark Independence Day

  • 11
  • 25:49

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko took part in a solemn meeting to mark Independence Day.

The head of state stressed that Independence Day takes on a special meaning in the Year of Peace and Creation: "Belarusians gained their independence through wars, selfless feats and hard work. The generation that gave us the Great Victory gave us freedom and peace at the cost of their lives. Millions of lives."

"We will always talk and remember this and pass on this knowledge to new citizens born on our land. Because on 3 July, on the day of the liberation of Minsk from the Nazi occupiers, Belarusians, tormented by captivity, tortures, losses of families and friends, returned to life," the president said. “There cannot be any other meaning to this day. There cannot be another date, no matter how badly the descendants of the Nazis there and their accomplices here dream. For us, true Belarusians, Independence Day is a day that brought the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany closer.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko addressed the veterans of war and labor: "We, all those who were born during the war and after, are indebted to you. We are fortunate to be the children and grandchildren of such courageous and strong-willed people as you - true patriots. We are fortunate to grow up and be educated on the example of the military and labor exploits of your heroic generation. A generation that taught us to take the heat, to live by conscience and justice."

"May God grant you health and vigor! May we have the opportunity, as long as possible, to tell you words of infinite gratitude, to congratulate you on this great holiday that you gave us," the president wished. “You fought on the battlefields. Your Victory brought peace to countries and continents for many decades to come. But this peace has exhausted its margin of safety. Today is our time to fulfill our historic mission. Now we are fighting for peace. As you can see, we are fighting on the information, economic, political fronts."