Plenipotentiary for Religions and Nationalities

General information

The Plenipotentiary for Religions and Nationalities and their structure is a central government agency that coordinates the activities of government agencies of the country in this area and implements the state policy in the field of ethnic and interreligious relations in the Republic of Belarus.

According to the Law “On Belarusians abroad”, the Plenipotentiary is also assigned to perform the activities aiming at interaction with Belarusians residing abroad.

Main tasks

  • participation in development and implementation of the state policy in the ethnic and religious area;
  • ensuring the right of citizens to freedom of faith and religion, advocacy of their rights and interests regardless of their attitude to religion or their faith as well as the right to freedom of assembly in the form of religious organizations;
  • supervision of activities of religious organizations in terms of their abiding to the legislation on freedom of faith, religion and religious organizations as well as their respective statutes;
  • consideration and review of issues in relations between the state and religious organizations, the state and public associations of citizens identifying themselves as ethnic minorities;
  • protection of and support in exercising the rights of citizens of the Republic of Belarus of various ethnic origins in the field of culture, education, language, information support, assistance in educational activities of public associations established by citizens identifying themselves as ethnic minorities;
  • providing support and assistance in meeting the national cultural needs of Belarusians and citizens of Belarusian origin residing abroad, strengthening their ties with the Republic of Belarus.
Уполномоченный по делам религий и национальностей


11 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Minsk, 220029

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