State Committee on Science and Technology

General information

The State Committee on Science and Technology is in charge of science, technology and innovation, and the protection of intellectual property rights.

Main tasks

  • to regulate scientific, technological, and innovative activities and protect intellectual property rights; 
  • to plan the training of top-qualification scientists, oversee the effective operation of post-graduate education departments;
  • to pursue a uniform state policy in the area of international scientific and technical cooperation;
  • to develop innovative infrastructure, create mechanisms to support innovations, enable the creation and development of enterprises based on new and high technologies;
  • to find and assimilate cutting-edge highly effective foreign technologies into the economy;
  • to stimulate and support entrepreneurship relating to the commercialization and assimilation of R&D products into manufacturing;
  • to oversee the fulfillment of Belarusian laws and regulations on the development of scientific, technological, innovative activities and the protection of intellectual property rights, and ensure effective spending of central state budget appropriations allocated to finance R&D and innovation efforts in the Republic of Belarus and finance international scientific and technical cooperation;
  • to oversee progress of R&D programs and projects;
  • to ensure the operation of a united system of state scientific expert evaluation and state R&D expert evaluation;
  • to monitor and analyze global technological trends;
  • to ensure the development of the R&D information system.
Государственный комитет по науке и технологиям


1 Akademicheskaya Street, Minsk, 220072, Belarus

Official website: