Working trip to Mogilev Oblast

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Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave a number of additional instructions on further development of Mogilev during his working trip on 6 June.

Aleksandr Lukashenko was briefed on the social and economic development of Mogilev Oblast. In January-April 2020, the oblast achieved good performance in agricultural production (103% compared to the same period last year), construction (101.8%), and retail trade (104.2%).

A separate topic was various projects to develop urban infrastructure, which were implemented in Mogilev in 2017-2020. For example, many objects of the road network (Chausy, Minsk highways, a bridge and an overpass over the railway on Mir Avenue) as well as social infrastructure (Palace of Culture, tennis courts and a football arena, secondary school No.46, a maternity hospital of the Mogilev Emergency Medical Care Hospital) have been overhauled.

The president got familiar with the city's plans for construction and design of a number of objects. Among them are the cardio-surgery building of the Mogilev Oblast Hospital, a clinic in the Kazimirovka neighborhood, a sport center with swimming pools in the Fatina neighborhood as well as the construction of the overpass in Yakubovskogo Street. As for the latter, Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized the sources of financing, noting that the funds saved during the reconstruction of other roads in the country can be used to build this overpass.

The head of state was informed about the work carried out and planned for the improvement of the Podnikolye landscaping and recreational complex. Plans are in place to install equipment of sport and children playgrounds, an ice rink with a park pavilion, a rope camp, an amusement park, a beach area and a tourist complex. “The earlier, the better. There are many people who would like to visit. Why not develop?” the president commented on the initiative to build a tourist complex.

“Well done. The city needs to be beautiful,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said after hearing out the report of Mogilev Mayor Vladimir Tsumarev.

The head of state added that improvement works had also been carried out in other regional centers, whose residents have something to be proud of.

“Now it is necessary to unite all this so that the city would be an integral complex. We need to do something else over the next five years to make the citizens of Mogilev proud,” the Belarusian leader said while speaking to people during his visit to St. Nicholas Convent.

Aleksandr Lukashenko shared his memories that during his studies in Mogilev he also visited the area of Podnikolye, but then these places were in a completely unsightly state. “It was a dump,” he said.

He noted that Mogilev and Brest were once falling behind in terms of improvement, unlike Gomel, Vitebsk or Grodno. “However, a lot has already been done to revive Brest and Mogilev. We still need to do a lot,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The president made a special emphasis on the industrial sector of the city, instructing to carry out an audit and decide how to use the idle production space. “It is impossible to lose these industrial sites. There will be investors that will be happy to come to Mogilev to work,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko lit candles in Saint Nicholas Convent in Mogilev. In the church, the president was gifted the icon of the Mother of God of Mogilev and Bratsk. He was told that it protects from diseases.

The head of state was told about the convent and its development. In particular, a renovated altar screen was shown to him. “This is a true masterpiece. It is for the first time that I see such an altar screen. It can be compared to altar screens in Saint Petersburg churches,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

After the visit to the church he talked to parishioners and local residents. “Thank you for coming to this sacred place today,” the president said.

The head of state also met with senior officials of Mogilev Oblast. He instructed the authorities of Mogilev Oblast to focus on industrial enterprises.

The president recalled that in April 2019 former agriculture and food minister Leonid Zayats was appointed Mogilev Oblast governor. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, he had no doubts about his decision. “I knew he would be useful in Mogilev Oblast,” he said. Aleksandr Lukashenko explained that serious improvements were necessary in certain fields.

The new governor was instructed to sort things out in the region. According to the head of state, the governor of Mogilev Oblast was absorbed in this work. “It was surprising to me – the first request of his was a hospital in Mogilev,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

In his words, Leonid Zayats was looking for financing for these purposes. “And today I have noticed that some beautiful good places which can make every region proud are created. Now it is necessary to build an entire complex with all of that. I have spoken about it with the mayor and the governor. We need to turn Mogilev into a beautiful city,” the president said.

In his words, residents of the city should, first of all, do it for themselves.

The head of state asked the administration of the region to focus on large industrial enterprises which used to be true giants in the past. There are many unused industrial facilities. “These are strong and reliable facilities. Only a few of them need to be demolished. You need to sort things out and to relaunch those facilities. A separate program is needed to every enterprise, just like we did in the southeast. First of all, in two big cities - Mogilev and Bobruisk,” the Belarusian leader said.

Speaking about the development of southeastern regions of Mogilev Oblast, the head of state mentioned his instruction to adopt a special program. Funds were allocated for these purpose. “The program was adopted, and it should be implemented. Many people from Chernobyl-affected areas are living there,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

“You must implement this program. We need to give hope to people. They need an opportunity to live and bring up their children,” the president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko agreed that a lot had need done in Mogilev Oblast in the past years. “He [the governor of Mogilev Oblast who reported on the performance of the region] is right – a lot has been done already. But some people refuse to see it, and you know why,” he said.

Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Leonid Zayats told the president that the region fulfilled 4 out of 6 key targets in 2019. As a result, Mogilev Oblast was the second best performer among Belarusian regions after Minsk Oblast last year.

“There was positive dynamics in all branches of the economy. Mogilev Oblast has reached the targets on foreign direct investment on a net basis, export of goods, services, employment and creation of new jobs,” the governor said. In his words, there were positive financial results last year. Corresponding dynamics could be seen in Q1 2020.

As far as the agricultural industry is concerned, a program of agricultural development was prepared in the region. Plans have been made to increase agricultural proceeds at least 1.3 times and to raise salaries in rural areas in 2020.

Local authorities are monitoring the implementation of investment projects at Khimvolokno, Belshina, Mogotex, Newsprint Mill, Omsk Carbon Mogilev. “The success of these projects will give a boost to the industrial development of the entire region,” Leonid Zayats said.

He stressed that the improvement of people’s wellbeing is a priority for Mogilev Oblast authorities. Over 40 socially important facilities, including a number of long-delayed projects, have been commissioned within a year.

At the meeting the president said that Belarus had learned to deal with the problem amid the pandemic. Moreover, the country did not have to go to extremes.

“We have so far managed to avoid the extreme scenario. We have not closed the country. As for the borders, we did not have to close them. Our neighbors have closed theirs. We did not close the airport. We have shown that there is such Belarus that is strong, wise, powerful and can cope with this pandemic,” said the president.

Responding to criticism about the path chosen in the country to combat the disease, Aleksandr Lukashenko said that the difference was only in the fact that the country did not introduce a total quarantine and curfew, did not close its people in their homes and apartments. “We do not have the situation to introduce curfews. But when some in our country started complaining, I said: “Do not worry, if necessary, we will close everything within 24 hours. We have to think about how people will live in their apartments, dormitories. I knew what mood the people will have, and what their mood will be after reopening,” said the Belarusian leader.

“It was a hard fight, which is not over yet. The situation is manageable and the country is manageable, and we can make any decision. But for now, thank God, we do not need extreme measures. Our doctors have learned to cope with this disease. Every person can have it in different ways. Hence, we need different medicines. We have enough medicines, enough PPE, and doctors have adapted to cure these diseases,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus does not only do tests for coronavirus but also give priority to pneumonia diagnosis. “I gave a strict instruction to CT scan all those applying. “We have purchased dozens of devices and installed them where necessary. Now, even in Minsk, we are installing them in clinics. Doctors have already learned to differ the common and COVID pneumonia on CT. This is the right indicator. We can publish these figures and show who copes with the infection best and who has coped with it so far,” the president said.

The head of state added that precautions need be taken, but everything should be done wisely. “We should be very careful and take care of the old people. We cannot feel relaxed, under any circumstances. Take care of yourself, but wisely. Do not close somewhere, stay more in the fresh air,” Aleksandr Lukashenko advised.

Speaking about the current moment the president drew attention to the fact that four ‘pandemics’ have come together – those in healthcare, economy, politics, and the information field.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, if there is no answer to the question whether the pandemic was man-made, someone in the world is trying to take advantage of the situation and the emerged psychosis. “The whole world has already come to a halt today, the economy of the whole world has overturned. Leading companies, billionaires and states have put trillions of dollars in their pockets,” the president added.

The medical pandemic was followed by the economic one and it affected not only the developing countries but also the biggest states. Belarus, with its export-oriented economy, has also been affected. “We need currency to live. We can get currency only by selling our goods in foreign markets,” the head of state said.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, even those countries with significant mineral resources, which have accumulated large financial reserves in the past, do not fling the money about today. “They do not know whether the world will be covered by the second wave of this disease or not,” the president explained.

According to him, the third, political, pandemic is of man-made subjective nature. The election campaign has left its mark on everything that is going on around.

Finally, the fourth one is the infopandemic which have had a strong impact on people.