Belarusian President receives credentials of foreign ambassadors

  • 12
  • 12:50

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko received credentials of nine ambassadors during the ceremony at the Palace of Independence on 15 June.

The head of state received credentials of ambassadors of the Republic of Ghana, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Korea, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the United Mexican States, the Republic of Panama, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Kingdom of Thailand, the Republic of Ecuador.

Welcoming the diplomats to Belarus, the president has said that now they have the opportunity to see with their own eyes how the Belarusians live.

The president drew attention to the fact that the credentials ceremony was taking place ahead of two important dates for the Belarusian people – 22 June and 3 July.

“The first one is tragic - the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War, which is associated with the beginning of Hitler's aggression against the Soviet Union. Belarus was part of the Soviet Union and was the first in the way of the invaders, taking the heaviest blow,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. He emphasized that the older generation also had to endure a lot in the first postwar decades, rebuilding the country that was completely destroyed.

“The country was literally raised from the ruins. I think you have heard about the heroism of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the tragedy of Khatyn and Trostenets. Now you can visit these sacred places of national memory and sorrow that leave no one indifferent,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

Speaking of the second date - 3 July - the head of state said that it was a joyful day of the liberation of Minsk, which is now celebrated in Belarus as Independence Day. Now it is hard to imagine that Minsk was almost completely destroyed during the war.

“We stand for a multipolar, fair world with guarantees of development for all countries without exception. At this time, the West is destroying the system of European security established after World War II,” the head of state said.

“The United Nations has turned from a civilized dialogue platform to resolve disputes and discuss the future development of the world into a diplomatic casino run by Western tycoons,” the president said. “They are trying to hinder the development of individual countries and entire regions, and NATO forces are deployed on the borders with those who disagree.”

Belarus strongly disagrees with this scenario, said Aleksandr Lukashenko. “Where are all those international organizations that see it all - the UN, OSCE, the Council of Europe, IMF and the World Bank, while we have been strangled with illegal sanctions for three decades in a row?” the president asked a rhetorical question.

“Nationalist formations consisting of various scoundrels undergo intensive training in Ukraine. The West openly declares that it intends to use them to overthrow the legitimate authorities in Belarus by force of arms,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Belarus, as an independent and responsible member of the international community, is making a significant contribution to the system of international and regional security, the president said.

“We are ready for a dialogue on cooperation with any country that respects the choice of the Belarusian people and recognizes the sovereignty and independence of our state. So are you,” he said. “I mean a dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Belarus is always open and hospitable to those who are open and sincere with us. It is on these principles that we have traditionally developed and continue developing contacts with all our partners.”

The head of state briefly commented on the cooperation with each of the countries, represented by the diplomats.

On Tajikistan

The president has emphasized that Belarus has long-standing friendly relations with Asian countries.

Aleksandr Lukashenko welcomed the ambassador of Tajikistan and said: “We have strong ties with this country since the Soviet Union. Although more than one generation of Belarusians and Tajiks has changed, the ties of friendship and brotherhood have never been broken. Our long-standing friendly relations with President Emomali Sharipovich Rahmon, who did a lot to strengthen the Belarusian-Tajik partnership, contributed to it.”

The head of state wished the Ambassador of Tajikistan to have a successful diplomatic mission in Belarus.

On Iran

The Republic of Belarus has special relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. "Minsk and Tehran have always deeply understood each other, being subjected to unfair, illegal sanctions," the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus views Iran as an important international player with a huge economic potential. "Today, our cooperation is entering a new stage," the president said.

On Thailand

"We have always viewed the Kingdom of Thailand as one of the promising partners in Southeast Asia," the head of state said. "We are well aware that the current level of trade does not correspond to the potential."

"We see significant opportunities for expanding bilateral cooperation in industry, agriculture and pharmaceuticals," the president added. In his opinion, the intensification of Belarusian-Thai ties could be facilitated by an exchange of visits at various levels.

On South Korea

The head of state highlighted the successful projects in trade and investment, science and technology, culture and sport. "Today we are working on a number of projects, but this is not enough," the Belarusian president is convinced.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also noted: "The situation in the world is not easy now. We need to make every effort to become closer."

On Ghana

“Today we are rediscovering Africa. Without Africa there is no development in the world at all. Africa is the future,” the Belarusian head of state said.  “We are interested in expanding partnerships with all countries of the continent and are ready to discuss any constructive proposals,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko praised interaction between Belarus and Ghana both through political dialogue and trade and economic cooperation.

“Belarus is ready to participate not only in agricultural projects but also in infrastructure, energy and educational projects your country is implementing,” the head of state said.

On Mauritania

The Belarusian leader also expressed confidence that the time has come for more active contacts with Mauritania. “We have the competences and technologies to help your country increase its industrial potential, ensure food security, modernize transport infrastructure, and improve personnel qualifications,” the president said.

On Mexico

Belarus maintains traditionally friendly relations with many Latin American countries, Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

"Today, we are watching with great interest the growth of Mexico's influence in the region," the president said. "Our states have the manufacturing potential, well-developed industries and agriculture, the capabilities of which should be used as much as possible to increase trade, despite the fact that you have a very large and well-developed northern neighbor."

On Panama

"Providing there is mutual interest, we are ready to work out cooperation projects with the Republic of Panama in such areas as mechanical engineering, processing industry, chemistry and petrochemistry, transport, logistics, alternative energy," Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

On Ecuador

The president said that Minsk is interested in more active relations with Quito.

"We offer our services to Ecuador in the mechanization of agriculture, infrastructure development, implementation of projects in mining and engineering. We talked about it when I visited this beautiful country," the head of state noted.


In conclusion, the president addressed all the diplomats.

"You have heard a lot about Belarus. I am sure what you’ve hear is more negative than positive. It is very important that you’ve come to Belarus, that you will work here. What I want most is for you to get to know our country better. So that you can see with your own eyes how we live. I am sure that when you see all this, you will be amazed at the difference between things in reality and the way they are sometimes presented, primarily by the West and the United States of America," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president wished the ambassadors that their work in Belarus as heads of diplomatic missions would become an important stage in their lives, and their careers would go only up. "If you need something, please contact us - through the President Administration, through the minister. I will respond, I promise you," the head of state assured.

"For many years, Belarus has been a so-called sanctuary of peace and stability. You will soon see that yourselves,” the head of state said to the diplomats. “I believe it is comfortable to live and work in such conditions.”

“We will welcome all your constructive ideas, projects and proposals,” the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko congratulated the ambassadors on the start of their responsible work in Belarus, wishing them health, happiness, wellbeing and every success.