Report of Vice Premier Igor Petrishenko, Education Minister Igor Karpenko

  • 5
  • 1:55

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Vice Premier Igor Petrishenko and Education Minister Igor Karpenko to receive their report on 14 May.

The head of state stressed that any economic issues and virus response measures should not distract from other important topics such as education.

The meeting focused on the ending of the academic year, the enrollment campaign and exams, summer recuperation and recreation of children. “These are pending issues,” the Belarusian leader said.

“I want to listen to your opinion regarding our prospects and plans. There re final exams in the 9th and 11th forms, the ending of the academic year in universities, enrollment exams. Government bodies and I need to take the current development of the situation with this pandemic and viruses into account and make decisions. We will proceed from these developments. We will not act in a way our neighbors are doing. We did not live the way our neighbors were living. We did not prohibit anything, we were saying our people openly and honestly how they should live and work,” the president remarked.

“Therefore, we will take these things into account. There should be no unnecessary relaxations. University students need knowledge. Let’s decide how we will conduct final exams after the 9th and 11th forms. I am ready to listen to your proposals and make corresponding decisions,” the head of state said.