Visit to Mogilevliftmash

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Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko visited the Mogilevliftmash producer of passenger and freight elevators on 10 July.

The head of state spotted a number of problems on the ground as he was flying to Mogilev by helicopter. “This mess is going to wreck you,” he said.

The point is that sometimes production areas or construction sites are a mess. The task for the regional and municipal authorities is to deal with these issues.

“Put things to rights. You should do it within a year. Mobilize people, put things in order,” the Belarusian leader demanded.

The State Control Committee confirms that the region has a number of problems.

“We are all loudly calling for cheaper food and so on. Okay, let it be. We are freezing prices. But you are ruining yourselves with this clutter. You are reducing your life span. Infestation is widespread there. You have taken to doing a weird thing: you dig out a pit and dump waste in nearby bushes... These heaps of garbage and so on are poisoning people,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.

"The demand for your products is great. And not only yours," the head of state said during a conversation with employees of the Mogilev-based elevator manufacturer Mogilevliftmash.

He noted that the leadership of Russia, the heads of the regions often talk about the demand for Belarusian products. "Recently we have heard from our elder brother, as I jokingly call them: ‘You did a good hob by preserving this or that enterprise’…" Although, the president noted, it was not an easy job to preserve enterprises and teams after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The two countries are working together on import substitution, for example, in microelectronics. But the countries also need less high-tech goods, like buses or elevators.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he came to see if the company was able to boost the output. According to him, it is important to work together in the public interest. If there are some other underutilized enterprises near Mogilevliftmash (and there are some), then it makes sense to place some manufacturing operations there and start making necessary components. "Your line of business suggests continuous competition. This is how things are. Therefore, the governor and I have agreed to motive our top executive to use a state approach more," the head of state stressed.

"This is our chance. The window of opportunity is open. It will not last forever," the president said speaking about the current high demand for a variety of products as western competitors have left the market

The head of state spoke about this as he toured the production facilities at Mogilevliftmash: "Why did I come to Mogilevliftmash (before that to BelAZ, MAZ)? The demand is great now. It is necessary to satisfy the market. Therefore, I have a question: why don't we produce more as the demand is so high? If you lack capacities at Mogilevliftmash, you need to use others, if necessary," the Belarusian leader said.

"It is important we do not miss the moment, win over the market. If today the demand is for example 16,000 units and the plant can produce 14,000, well, we need to find an opportunity to make 2,000 more. Let the plant make the main parts, and Strommashina, for example, do some auxiliary jobs. Thus, we will be able to occupy the market and help our enterprises operate at their full capacities," the head of state gave an example.

But discipline must be cast-iron, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

"Lack of discipline is a failure. Failure is war. It all starts with economy," he stressed.

Mogilev Oblast Governor Anatoly Isachenko briefed the head of state on the main indicators of the socio-economic performance of the region. The gross regional product in Mogilev Oblast in January-May made up 98.6% as to the same period a year before.

“You have three failures in the region. The most surprising thing is that the industry in the region is also failing,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

Anatoly Isachenko clarified that the region cannot reach the GRP targets due to poor results in manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade. As far as manufacturing is concerned, there are issues in two industries - woodworking and cement production. They are to be resolved by the end of the year, some progress has already been made.

The president asked about the state of things at the region’s largest enterprises and progress in implementing investment projects. “Keeping people busy is not the goal. We have almost no problems with this. The goal is to make sure that each district makes money for itself,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “And this project that is running there should not be just box ticking,” the head of state said.

“Each district has its own project. There are all kinds of projects. The work is in full swing,” the governor replied. He cited the cultivation of rainbow trout in the southeast of Mogilev Oblast as a case in point. Every month the company grows 20 tonnes of fish, these products are very popular in retail chains.

Aleksandr Lukashenko touched upon this topic during his meeting with the Mogilevliftmash labor collective who raised the topic of employment and the feasibility of building new industrial capacities in the region. “You know my ‘daunting’ demand: each district should have a new high-tech enterprise by the end of this year or next year at the latest. Twenty-one districts [of Mogilev Oblast] means 21 new enterprises. Some progress has been made. We are helping with money. These projects need smart people. Therefore, we will need competencies. We will build enterprises, this is no longer a question today,” the president said.

The head of state visited the production facilities at Mogilevliftmash, discussed development prospects for the company, including plans to increase the output, expand the assortment, and to use additional territories.

After that Aleksandr Lukashenko toured an exposition of modern elevators produced at the enterprise. The holding company also makes various modifications of electric engines, as well as woodworking, agricultural, household appliances.

The head of state focused on energy saving. For example, the enterprise has a device for disinfecting elevators and premises, which is especially relevant in view of the recent pandemic.

The president was told that Mogilevliftmash is actively working on import substitution and is implementing relevant projects.

One of the key projects is production upgrade of high-speed elevators and gearless traction elevators. Gearless elevators boast a high efficiency, increased reliability and durability, and they move almost without noise and vibration.

The enterprise is working to launch the production of electric engines, traction engines for electric vehicles and explosion-proof electric engines for the mining industry.

Speaking about the company, Aleksandr Lukashenko said: "Today, you have a young director [Director General Sergei Chertkov]. He is local. He understands and knows what to do. Make sure your executives keep their guard up. Help them wherever you can. But discipline must be reinforced iron-cast." 

"No one demands anything extra. If you run a holding company you are in charge of the plant, the people. Every has a job to do. Welders, installers, accountants, economists. Everyone must do their jobs well. Discipline is all important. Because lack of discipline is a failure. Failure is war. everything starts with economy," the Belarusian leader stressed.

In this regard, the head of state cited the example of Ukraine, where, even before the special military operation, the economy was not doing well. Thus, in addition to external causes, there are always internal causes. Aleksandr Lukashenko once again emphasized the responsibility of everyone for the stability and prosperity of the country: "No government is capable of solving all problems. Much depends on people themselves. These are how things are."