Meeting with Governor of Russia’s Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako

  • 20
  • 4:46

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Governor of Russia’s Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako on 22 September.

At the meeting Aleksandr Lukashenko spoke about his plans to visit Russia’s Far East. The head of state said that at meetings Russian President Vladimir Putin often gives high praise to Primorsky Krai. “He speaks even more often about Primorsky Krai than about St. Petersburg. Every time we meet he tells me that I need to visit the place and see what has been done there recently. I have already told my children that next year we will find time to go there. Lake Baikal, Altai, Primorye, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka – it is worth visiting and seeing this wonder of nature,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

One of the reasons for visiting these Russian regions can be the participation of Belarusian builders in the construction of the Vostochny Cosmodrome. “I would like to see it, to see our builders starting working there, to visit this region. I think next year we will meet with you there,” the President said.

He added that Belarus is ready to do everything necessary to expand cooperation with Primorsky Krai. “Although you are far geographically, we do not consider Vladivostok as some faraway and foreign city. We often think about our Fatherland as from Brest to Vladivostok. We will always develop cooperation with you. If you need help which we can provide (you know our capacities), we are always ready to help,” the head of state said.

“In spite of the geographical distance and many kilometers between us, we do not view Vladivostok as a far and alien city. We often recall our common Fatherland which spanned from Brest to Vladivostok. Thus, you are living in our Fatherland, and we always develop cooperation,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also mentioned good personal relations with Oleg Kozhemyako has always supported contacts of Belarus as a governor of various Russian regions. “Regardless of where you are working, we will always do everything we can for your region,” the head of state assured. He also praised good ties between Russia’s Primorsky Krai and Belarus’ Mogilev Oblast.

The President suggested ramping up the export of Belarusian equipment and technologies to the region and providing warranty and support maintenance. “We are ready to offer favorable financing conditions,” he noted. Besides, the President sees good prospects for the delivery of municipal electric transport to Primorsky Krai.

The meeting also focused on agricultural cooperation. They discussed possible export of Belarusian milk, meat and dairy products, baby food, seeds and stocking material to the region.

“Oleg Nikolayevich [Kozhemyako], there is no need to convince you, we are old friends, be sure that we will be friends forever. It is an honor for us to work in Primorsky Krai and to cooperate with you,” the President said addressing the governor.

“Right now we will scrutinize this project once again, and the President [of Russia] asked me to do it. I would like our builders to have an opportunity to take part in the construction of this spaceport. It would be great to demonstrate the capabilities of our construction workers. I am ready to provide a brigade or two. The main thing is to agree on cooperation,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President emphasized that the Belarusian construction industry is competitive in terms of quality and prices for services. “Even the Japanese or the Koreans are hardly better than us in this regard,” he said.

“We have decided to offer Belarusian consumer goods in all our big cities via the Belarusian trading house. We have already found investors who are interested in this project,” Oleg Kozhemyako said. According to him, this project will be discussed in detail during the Belagro 2020 expo that will be held in Minsk from 29 September till 4 October.

In 2019, Belarus-Primorsky Krai trade totaled $19.2 million. In January-July 2020, the trade exceeded $9 million, 17% up year-on-year. The Russian governor said that the prospects for further development of the trade and economic relations are great.

“It is important to achieve such a level of cooperation that would enable us to offer our residents more Belarusian goods and use the best practices of the Belarusian mechanical engineering industry. We have got familiar with new technologies and products that use latest solutions and meet world’s standards,” Oleg Kozhemyako noted. According to him, Primorsky Krai residents are confident in the high quality of Belarusian products.