Meeting with Governor of Russia’s Omsk Oblast Aleksandr Burkov

  • 10
  • 2:50

Belarus and Russia’s Omsk Oblast can increase bilateral trade to $100 million, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Omsk Oblast Governor Aleksandr Burkov on 28 September.

The head of state said that he had recently met with governors of several Siberian regions. “You know our attitude to Siberian people. Not only because many Belarus went to live there in the past. I think you don’t have any problems with them. Belarusians have always been diligent and responsible people. I think that they remain the same there, in Siberia,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

He also dwelled on his personal attitude to the region and on his intention to visit it in the near future. “For me personally, everything beyond the Urals is so romantic. I think that next year I will have an opportunity to visit major places in Russia, including in Siberia,” the President said.

Speaking about the similarity of Belarus and Omsk Oblast, the head of state mentioned complicated weather conditions. “We are living in the zone of risky farming, but nevertheless we have learned a lot in agriculture. We are ready to share our experience with you,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. Belarus has positive experience of cooperation with other Siberian regions, for example, Sakhalin and Primorsky Krai.

According to the President, the trade turnover has decreased this year due to some reasons, and the current level is, obviously, too small for the second largest population center in Siberia and an important industrial hub. “I think that we should be committed to reaching this trade goal of $100 million,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko added that Belarus is ready to cooperate with the region in such conventional industries as manufacturing, export of technologies and services, establishment of joint assembly plants and service centers.

“If you are interested in cooperation with us in some areas, we are always ready, and you should know it,” the President concluded.

Aleksandr Burkov, in turn, said that Belarus is a major foreign trade partner of Omsk Oblast. Last year the trade turnover exceeded $80 million. And this year there has been an expected reduction.