Social Protection of People with Disabilities
In recent years, the Republic of Belarus has made important steps to enforce the rights of people with disabilities in the country in line with international standards.
Belarus has been a member of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities since 2016.
To implement the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, since 2017 the National Plan has been implemented. The plan will be effective till 2025.
The priorities of the National Plan are the promotion of inclusive education, employment of people with disabilities, creation of conditions that allow people with disabilities to integrate into all spheres of social life.
The republican interagency council on the rights of disabled persons has been authorized to monitor the efforts of government bodies to implement the National Plan.
Besides, for people with disabilities of all groups are entitled to a number of substantial welfare benefits that provide for 90% and 50% discounts (depending on the group) on medicines, technical means of social rehabilitation, free travel by city and commuter public transport, free treatment or recuperation in health resorts, and so on.