Energy Industry
A long-term development goal of the Belarusian fuel and energy complex is to satisfy the needs of the Belarusian economy and households in energy sources by means of promoting their effective use and reducing the burden on the environment.
Belarus is a member (a partner) of many integration associations that seek to find joint solutions to geopolitical, technological, economic, environmental and other issues of the fuel and energy complex.
By implementing the existing agreements, Belarus acts as a reliable partner in energy transit and an active participant in efforts to reduce air pollutant emissions. The country has achieved high results in efficient use of fuel and energy resources.
In 2022, Belarus’ electricity generation amounted to 39.4 billion kWh. Electricity consumption totaled 38.6 billion kWh.
The project will help enhance the country’s energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Belarus is implementing a set of activities to integrate the Belarusian nuclear power plant into the national power grid.
Belarus ranked 20th in the Getting Electricity category of the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 ranking.
Belarus’ gas transportation system with the total length of over 67,000km enables to supply the necessary amount of natural gas to satisfy the consumer demand. Belarus is one of the CIS leaders in terms of gas supply.
In 2019, the state-owned fuel and gasification association Beltopgas supplied 19.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
Belarus’ commercial peat reserves total an estimated 302.1 million tonnes. The country has a well-developed industrial infrastructure of peat industry companies of the Energy Ministry and fuel suppliers in the Belarusian regions and the city of Minsk.
The share of peat in the country's fuel and energy consumption mix is around 3%, which allows substituting about 450 million cubic meters of imported natural gas annually.
In 2022, Belarus was a top peat producer in the world and a leader of peat briquette production.