President approves resolution of special fund for social support of talented students
President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed the Executive Order “On Approving the Resolution of the Council of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for Social Support of Gifted School and University Students”. In accordance with the Resolution, the Fund has provided financial encouragement to 465 people.
Monthly scholarships for the second term of the 2011/2012 academic year in the amount of Br600,000 have been awarded to 194 university students.
Money prizes in the amount from Br4 million to Br5.5 million and badges of the prizewinner have been awarded to seven winners of the 8th International Zhautykov Olympiad in Mathematics and Physics (Kazakhstan, 2012), the winner of the 6th International Environmental Project Olympiad (Azerbaijan, 2012), and three winners of the 19th International Conference of Young Scientists.
Prizes to the tune from Br500,000 to Br1 million have been granted to 29 winners of the 2012 Belarusian Student Legal Olympiad.
Money prizes of the Fund in the amount from Br400,000 to Br700,000 have been awarded to 58 winners of the 20th National Tournament of Young Physicists; 127 winners of the 16th National Contest of Student Research Works in Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Informatics, Chemistry, Biology; 34 winners of the 23rd National Contest of Research Works in Biology and Environmental Science.
Financial assistance to the tune from Br500,000 to Br1 million has been provided to seven winners of the Baltic Scientific Engineering Contest (Russia, 2012) and four winners of the 6th Open School Olympiad in Programming (Russia, 2012).
This Executive Order bears witness to the targeted, purposeful support given by the President to the talented youth. This support aims to encourage school and university students to fulfil themselves, reveal their aptitudes and potential, and to create an enabling environment for creative educational and research activities.