Independence Day greetings from President Aleksandr Lukashenko

    Dear countrymen,

    I cordially congratulate you on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 68th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invasion.

    It is very symbolic that the Belarusian people inseparably linked these two dates.

    We remember that the Great Victory was made possible because of the incredible resistance of millions of people. Owing to their heroic fight, our fathers and grandfathers saved our native land from enslavement and raised the country from ruins defending the right to peaceful life. And the present generation is a worthy successor of these glorious traditions of the past.

    Belarus went an uneasy way of state building, economic and social development. The country has a worthy place in the international community. We preserve the designed rate of economic growth, guarantee social protection for our people, continue beautifying our native country. We will do our best to make our young state strong and prosperous.

    In this holy day I sincerely wish you happiness, kindness, health, and success in labor for the benefit of the dear Motherland.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko