Greetings on 25th anniversary of Belarusian Pioneer Organization

    Dear friends,

    I cordially congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Belarusian Pioneer Organization.

    This is an important date not only for the kids who wear a pioneer’s tie today; it is a holiday for many generations of adults who have bright memories of their school years.

    The Belarusian Pioneer Organization was established on the basis of the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization which has added many glorious pages to the history book of the state. Heroic children who were pioneers during the Great Patriotic War and young volunteers will always be an example of courage, commitment to their ideals and love for the native country.

    The Belarusian Pioneer Organization continues glorious traditions of good deeds. It makes a big contribution to the education of the rising generation in the spirit of patriotism, promotion of the careful attitude to the historical legacy, formation of the active life stance.

    I sincerely wish you health, peace and wellbeing.

    Be ready to become good citizens of our country, be devoted our Homeland, your families and friends.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko