Commentary to Decree No. 55 of 9 February 2012

    On 9 February the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Decree No. 55 to approve the provision on unused storage facilities.

    The document aims to conform norms of the provision on unused storage facilities located in the territory of Belarus with legal framework of the Customs Union, particularly, with the Customs Code of the Customs Union and the agreement on unused storage facilities and the customs procedure on the unused storage facility signed in St. Petersburg on 18 June 2010 and ratified by Belarus on 10 January 2011.

    These documents envisage new approaches to render legal entities competent to conduct customs operations. These legal entities are included in relevant registries of the customs bodies. The order of inclusion and exclusion is regulated by the national legislation.

    The provision on unused storage facilities regulates the order and terms of inclusion of legal entities registered in the territory of Belarus and interested in owing an unused storage facility in the registry of storage facility owners.

    The Decree is aimed at improving the customs legislation, creating favorable conditions for the operation of legal entities, and improving the investment climate in Belarus.

    The institute of unused storage facilities' owners will facilitate the import of raw materials needed to manufacture goods, which are to exported from the territory of the Customs Union, stimulate the production and export of goods, and promote foreign economic activities.