Commentary to Decree No. 329 of 23 July 2012

    On 23 July President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 329 on introducing amendments to Decree No. 443 of 13 July 2006 “On Customs Duties".

    The document seeks to improve customs legislation in part of optimization of customs duties due to the changes in the complexity of customs control operations.

    Customs duty on a preliminary decision on classification of goods in accordance with Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Classification of the Customs Union has been lowered from €155 to €120.

    The number of customs duties for customs operations regarding the goods moved through the customs border has been reduced from three to two. Due to changes in the complexity of customs control operations with respect to some commodity groups of the Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Classification of the Customs Union, customs duty has been reduced from €35 to €20. Customs duty on other commodity groups has been increased from €35 to €50.

    The decree will enter into force after its official publication.