Aleksandr Lukashenko sends greetings to editorial team of 7 Days newspaper

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to the editorial team of the 7 Days newspaper which celebrates the 25th anniversary.

    “The newspaper emerged on the media market of the country in a rather complicated period. It has become the first social and political weekly edition and has many readers. The bold style, principled position in strengthening spiritual and moral traditions of the nation, family and civil values have turned the newspaper into a reliable friend and adviser for many generations of people,” the message of greetings reads.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko also remarked: “Today 7 Days is a poplar edition which is involved in an open dialogue with readers. The editorial team is committed to the responsibilities and knows the importance of the printed word.”

    The Belarusian President wished creative success to the workers of the newspaper.