Aleksandr Lukashenko holds working meeting with Supreme Court Presiding Judge Valentin Sukalo

    On 21 January President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko held a working meeting with Valentin Sukalo, Presiding Judge of the Supreme Court.

    The head of state suggested discussing the most important problems that exist in the judicial sphere today. “In our time we made the radical decision concerning the development of our court system. What do you think? What have we failed to do? Are there any problems that need to be addressed? What do the courts lack?” asked the President.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko was informed about the progress in implementing the Address about prospects of the development of the ordinary courts system of Belarus that was adopted in October 2011 to become an important step of the court and legal system reform.

    According to Valentin Sukalo, in the last 1.5 years the reform has been implemented to a considerable degree. As many as 24 out of the 54 instructions specified by the Address have been fulfilled. The other ones are being implemented or are designed for a longer period right up to 2015. Positive results have been achieved. Thanks to the measures the workload of judges has been reduced considerably as well as the volume of criminal, civil, and administrative justice administration. In turn, it has allowed improving the quality of preliminary investigation and legal proceedings.