On some issues of the informatization
With a view of improving the management of informatization processes in the Republic of Belarus and implementation of the state policy in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies, telecommunication and high technologies I decree:
1. To impose on the Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department), in addition to the functions being fulfilled, the function on ensuring the conduct of the single state policy in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies, telecommunication and high technologies by state bodies, including republican bodies of state administration, local executive and administrative bodies, other state organizations subordinated to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, state legal persons (including institutions of education, healthcare, culture) and also by economic companies in relation to which the Republic of Belarus or an administrative and territorial unit can, by holding shares (stakes in statutory funds), determine the decisions to be taken by these economic companies (hereinafter – state bodies and organizations).
2. To establish that the Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department:
coordinates the activity of state bodies and organizations in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies, telecommunication and high technologies, gives them, within his competence, guidelines mandatory for executions and controls the implementation thereof;
assents to drafts of normative legal acts in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies, telecommunication and high technologies, drafts of decisions of the State Commission for Radio Frequency Allocations under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, and also to investment projects in the mentioned and other spheres, referred to his competence, being implemented by state bodies and organizations;
assents to drafts of legal acts providing for the alienation from the ownership of the Republic of Belarus of enterprises as property complexes (hereinafter – enterprises), shares (stakes in the statutory fund) of economic companies carrying out their activities in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies, telecommunication and high technologies, and also of the equipment[*]the value of which exceeds 30 thousand base units;
assents to state, branch-wide and regional informatization programs (hereinafter – informatization programs);
submits proposals to the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, other state bodies and organizations on appointment (assenting to the appointment) to and dismissal from office of heads (deputy heads) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatization, State Committee on Science and Technologies, Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Communication and Informatization, deputy heads of other state bodies and organizations on which the responsibility is imposed for the implementation of informatization programs;
assents to the appointment to office (dismissal from office) of heads and deputy heads of organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Communication and Informatization and State Committee on Science and Technologies;
coordinates, within the competence, the activity of mass media disseminated by means of television broadcasting and the global computer network Internet;
fulfills other duties in accordance with acts of legislation.
3. The Ministry of Communication and Informatization is supervised directly by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus.
4. The Ministry of Communication and Informatization:
under the established procedure, adopts technical normative legal acts in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies and telecommunication;
upon obtaining the assent of the Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department, approves the Regulation on the single organizer of the procedures of public procurement in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies and telecommunication;
assents to competitive-bidding documents while public procurement goods, works, services is being held for implementation of arrangements included in informatization programs elaborated by state bodies and organizations;
participates in acceptance of the results of works on arrangements included in informatization programs;
elaborates and approves the rules of exploitation and interaction of information resources, information systems and information networks, and also established requirements for their compatibility;
organizes works on technical regulation and standardization, confirmation of conformity of the creation, use and exploitation of information resources, information systems and information networks to the requirements of technical normative legal acts in the sphere of technical regulation and standardization.
5. The Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Communication and Informatization:
carries out monitoring of the implementation of arrangements included in informatization programs;
acts as the single organizer of the procedures of public procurement in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies and telecommunication;
if necessary, forwards proposals of suppliers (executors, contractors) concerning the implementation of arrangements included in informatization programs to the State Committee on Science and Technologies for organization of their assessment under the established procedure;
forwards, under the established procedure, proposal for inclusion of legal and natural persons, including individual entrepreneurs, into the list of suppliers (executors, contractors) not admitted temporarily for the participation in public procurement procedures to the authorized state body on public procurement.
6. The State Committee on Science and Technologies, at the request of the single organizer of the procedures of public procurement in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies and telecommunication:
provides opinions on expediency of expenses for conducting research-and-development and technological-and-experimental works (hereinafter – R&D) on creation and acquisition of software and technical means for implementation of arrangements included in informatization programs;
conducts state scientific-and-technical examination of technical specifications on arrangements included in informatization programs;
organizes the conduct of the assessment of proposals of suppliers (executors, contractors) implementation of arrangements included in informatization programs.
7. To determine that:
State bodies and organizations carry out arrangements in the sphere of informatization only on the basis of informatization programs.The list of arrangements in the sphere of informatization (including creation of information resources, information systems and information networks, acquisition and development of software, complexes of software and hardware tools, intellectual property objects, telecommunication and computer equipment, performance of R&D) is to be determined by the Ministry of Communication and Informatization upon obtaining the assent of the Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department;
state bodies and organizations develop informatization programs in interaction with the Ministry of Communication and Informatization;
heads of state bodies and organizations shall, upon obtaining the assent of the Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department, appoint persons responsible for implementation of informatization programs from among their deputies;
financing by state bodies and organizations of arrangements not included in a respective informatization program or of informatization programs not being assented by the Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the ideological department is not allowed.
8. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus shall:
8.1. till July 1, 2014, ensure the mandatory development and approval by state bodies and organizations of information programs having regard to requirements of this Decree;
8.2. within two months:
ensure the bringing of acts of legislation in compliance with this Decree;
jointly with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, take other measures on implementation of this Decree;
8.3. within three months:
submit for consideration of the Head of State a draft of the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus determining the procedure of carrying out the public procurement in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies and telecommunication, having regard to requirements of this Decree and providing for:
carrying out of the public procurement concerning on arrangements included in informatization programs through the single organizer of the procedures of public procurement in the spheres of informatization, information and communication technologies and telecommunication;
acquisition by state bodies and organizations of goods, works, services for implementation of arrangements included in informatization programs by means of holding an open or closed competitive bidding, procedure of requesting price quotations or procedure of procurement from one source.
9. To approve the enclosed personal composition of the Supervisory Council of the Park of High Technologies.
10. To recognize as ineffective indent three of clause 3 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of September 22, 2005 No 12 “On the Park of High Technologies” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No 154, 1/6811; 2010, No 28, 1/11352; 2011, No 49, 1/12509).
11. This Decree enters into force under the following manner:
indents two and five of clause 7 – from July 1, 2014;
other provisions of this Decree – from the day of its official publication.
President of the Republic of Belarus A.Lukashenko
* For the purposes of this Decree, the equipment means information resources, information systems and information networks, software, complexes of software and hardware tools, intellectual property objects, telecommunication and computer equipment.
Attachment to
of the President of the Republic of Belarus