Aleksandr Lukashenko signs amnesty bill into law

    Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed into law the amnesty bill timed to the 75th anniversary of Belarus' liberation from Nazi invaders.

    The law aims to implement the principle of humanity in connection with the important date in the history of the Republic of Belarus.

    The law applies to people who were convicted for minor crimes. These are minors, mothers and single fathers who have underage children, expecting women, pensioners, people with disabilities of the 1 and 2 disability groups, people with cancer, veterans of foreign wars, people injured while performing their duties,  people who suffered from the Chernobyl aftermath and some other groups of convicts.
    The law suggests one-year sentence reduction to prisoners charged in line with Part 1 Article 328, and also Parts 2-3 of the same article. Minors will also be among beneficiaries. They will be eligible for a two-year time-off.

    Taking into account the precedents in the application of amnesty, it will not apply to people who were amnestied or pardoned in the period from 2014 to 2019 and who committed another deliberate crime; people who did not indemnify for the damage caused by their crimes or did not return the illegally obtained money; grave violators of prison regulations; people sentenced for crimes against peace and security of the mankind, homicide, willful infliction of a serious corporal injury, sex crimes, racketeering, terrorism, civil unrest, DUI which caused an injury or death, illegal drug trade and other grave offenses.

    The law will apply to about 6,000 convicts, including about 2,000 prisoners.

    The law enters into force on the day of its official publication and shall be executed within nine months after its enactment.